Book: Lotte Kjøllers Billedverden - Lotte Kjøllers malerier, skulpturer, digte og billeddigte fra Livløber 788 DDK
DK: Bog: Forudbestil bogen "Lotte Kjøllers billedverden" om Lottes liv og kunst af Mag. Art. Lise-Lotte Blom.
bestilling hæfter først ved viden om pris. ? kr
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Forudbetil Lotte Kjøllers billedverden – Lotte Kjøllers malerier, skulpturer, digte og billeddigte fra LivLøber:
Udgives på Forlaget Multivers. En bog om Lotte Kjøller som kunstner af Kunsthistoriker mag. Art. og skribent på Kunstavisen Lise-Lotte Blom. Foruden tekst om Lottes liv som kunstner, er bogen rigt illustreret med store gengivelser af værker, og kan fint fungere som et katalog.
ENG: DK: Book: Pre-order the book "Lotte Kjøllers billedverden" about Lotte's life and art by Mag. Nature. Lise-Lotte Blom. order is first liable for knowledge of price. ? kr Along the way - is being written !: Prepaid Lotte Kjøller's picture world - Lotte Kjøller's paintings, sculptures, poems and pictorial poems from LivLøber: Published by Forlaget Multivers. A book about Lotte Kjøller as an artist by Kunsthistoriker mag. Nature. and writer at Kunstavisen Lise-Lotte Blom. In addition to text about Lotte's life as an artist, the book is richly illustrated with large reproductions of works, and can function well as a catalog.
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