Light Windows 2021 - verdensomspændende lyskunst udstilling 24 april til 24 maj. Hvælving af Lotte Kjøller er med!

24 april - 24 maj vil Galleri Lk-kunst låne Atelier Lk-kunst´s vindue til en lysende installation ligesom sidste års begivenhed. 


Light art installations around the world

LIGHT WINDOWS began in May 2020 as the pandemic shut down the world. Over 90 projects across 18 countries (including Antarctica) connected isolated artists and closed venues into public space.

Over the weekend of May 14-16, 2021 artists and the public are invited to light up their windows to celebrate creativity and connection.


Lottes piece year 2021:

Lotte KjoellerTHE ARCH



Galleri Lk-kunst udstiller i atelierets vindue.

Jeg Lotte Kjøller deltager i den internationale udstilling Light Windows sammen med andre kunstnere fra hele verden.

Vi sætter lysende kunst i vinduer.

Jeg har skabt en installation ”Hvælving” eller på engelsk ” Arch”. På Colombus tid troede man at jorden var flad med en hvælving over som en osteklokke. Det var Columbus der ændrede på dette livssyn ved at sejle fra Italien til Latinamerika. Det troede man ikke at man kunne. Min installation bygger på denne tro om at jorden var flad. Lampen er hvælvingen. Karmen er den flade jord. Men det er kun dyr der lever her. De drikker af truget. De går rundt. De syge dyr ligger i en ladvogn og køres rundt. Dyrene er som mennesket. De lever og de dør.



– bring light art to your neighborhood – Add your project to the LIGHT WINDOWS map The map will launch on May 1 and grow throughout May You can update your project or add new documentation by submitting again or by email: Your email and address will not be displayed on the map

Mailadresse *

Artist Name (s)

Lotte Kjoeller

Artwork Title



HVÆLVING / ARCH IS IN LIGHT WINDOWS, Bogholder Alle 66 kl th, 2720 Copenhagen, Denmark Gallery Lk-art exhibits in the studio window. I Lotte Kjøller participates in the international exhibition Light Windows together with other artists from around the world. We put luminous art in windows. I have created an installation "Hvælving" or in English "Ark". In Columbus' time, the ground was thought to be flat with a vault over like a cheese bell. It was Columbus who changed this view of life by sailing from Italy to Latin America. You did not think you could. My installation is based on this belief that the ground was flat. The lamp is the Arch. The frame is the flat earth. But only animals live here. They drink from the trough. They walk around. The sick animals lie in a wagon and are driven around. Animals are like humans. They live and they die.

Venue Name (if at a business or gallery)

Gallery and Atelier

Location - address for map or area (this will be converted into GPS coordinates)

Bogholder Alle 66 kl th, 2720 Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates on view – please include the May 15/16th!

24/4 to 24/5 2021

Any performance times or veiwing instructions?

sunset and after sunset unto sunrice
Your website

Instagram or preferred social media link


LiveStream link/channel and local time

23/4 08:00 PM


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